Dear Elizabeth
I am not, and never have been, a JW. I have no personal grudge against them, or flag to wave on their behalf (wrong illustration, perhaps, but I hope you know what I mean). From what I have found out about them, I believe JWs to be a very controlling cult which has caused a great deal of harm and damage to very many people over many years.
I am not a bible student, a theologian, or whatever, and most JWs (or people of other religions/denominations/cults/sects/whatever) could outquote me easily. But I was a police officer for 30 years (mostly as a detective, and rising to senior rank), and I DO know how to investigate. (I also, sadly, know quite a bit about abuse in all its forms from a professional point of view). I have brought those investigative experiences and skills to bear on JWs, firstly out of general interest in comparing religions and latterly out of concern for some people who I care for. What I have found has concerned me greatly, and what I have read of people's experiences with JWs has made me deeply saddened and angry.
I regret now that I didn't go to a few Kingdom Hall meetings before I retired. Why? Because having read on this site some of the experiences of children being physically abused for not sitting still, I can promise you that if I had seen such a thing happening two things would have happened immediately. 1. I would have immediately seized the child (as UK law permits) and it would have been taken to a 'place of safety' pending social services intervention. 2. The abuser would have been arrested there and then (handcuffed if necessary) and probably charged with assault. I did this on other occasions in other locations, and nowhere but nowhere is exempt. It is to my shame, and for me to answer for, that I didn't know these things occurred within JWs and so did nothing about them.
I have a daughter slightly older than you. You have mentioned your Dad. If you have a good relationship with him, can I just suggest that you discuss all of this with him? If he loves and cares for you, his main concern will be that you are happy and come to no harm. Invite him to look at this site with you. Ask him for his advice. He may see things that you don't - you may see things he doesn't. But by discussing issues with someone you trust at least you will perhaps have more confidence in whatever decision you make.